
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Roomies

Hey y'all!! So, I just wanted to write a little bit about me and my roomies today! So, my name is Raleigh, as previously mentioned, and I live with my two best friends Shannon and Kyla. And we have three other room mates Katelyn, Shelly, and Jax.

I grew up in North Carolina and decided to come out to BYU after I graduated high school. All of my family is back in NoCo, but that's okay because I LOVE it here! I am getting my degree in Interior Design and also love to bake cupcakes. Pinterest is my current addiction and I can't get enough of it.

I'm SUPER obsessed with the TV show Once Upon A Time and am totally loving all the #captainswan storyline. #sorrynotsorry.

Shannon and Kyla moved in together. Kyla is from California and we three have been roommates for about six months. Shannon is from Idaho, so we sometimes go up to her family's potato farm on the weekends. Yes, they really do grow potatoes!!

Kyla grew up about two hours away from LA and lives, like, right next to the ocean. Okay, not, like RIGHT next to the ocean, but close. Like, a few miles away? I think? Probably. Any way, She is going into nursing and is always studying. I don't think she's been on a date the entire time I've lived with her, but not for a lack of trying! Guys are ALWAYS asking her out. It's super cute. Until she turns them down. And then they're souls are crushed. Poor guys. But that's when Shannon chimes in and cheers them up again.

I don't think I can recall the last time Shannon did NOT have a date on a Friday or Saturday evening. That girl dates all the boys. And can never settle on just one. Shannon is going into psychology and is super great at reading people. It's crazy how well she knows me sometimes. But I love her for it!! She's so so great!!

Jax is probably our most mysterious roommate. Mostly because she's an introvert and doesn't come out and socialize with us very often. But she does come out occasionally and I love talking to her. She is an art history major and wants to work at The Met one day. I think she'll make it there. She's wonderfully amazing. She's super quiet, but if you can get her to open up, she's has the sweetest spirit. And I mean that in the literal sense, not the "sweet spirit" sense. haha.

Katelyn and Shelly are sisters and they do everything together. I think half of their classes are the same. And the other half are always close by. Katelyn is undeclared at the moment but leaning towards Physics. I think she'd do great as a physicist. She's so so smart. Like, unbelievably smart. Love her.

I'm pretty sure Shelly is going into Elementary Education and wants to teach kindergarten. Wouldn't that be, like, the sweetest thing ever? #totesadorbs #teacherslife She's so so so good with kids. She's going to change the world someday, I just know it!!!!

Any way, that's us in a nutshell!!! Can't wait to tell you more about our lives here in Apartment 314!!

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